
Everything To Know About Goldfish

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Goldfish are the most popular type of aquarium fish. They can grow up to six inches long and they have a reputation for being easy to care for. However, goldfish do require some extra care to meet their needs as an aquatic pet. Statistics show that every year more than 480,000,000 goldfish are sold around the world, meaning that there are more goldfish sold than cats and dogs in a given year. Regardless of the fact that goldfish are popular, many people don’t know a lot about them. Keep reading this post to learn some interesting facts about goldfish.

What Is a Goldfish?

A goldfish is an aquatic animal that has been bred for its ornamental value since ancient times. There are several species of fish that are commonly referred to as goldfish. Here you can learn the scientific name of Goldfish and their nomenclature.

Here are a few things you need to know about goldfish:

Goldfish were first bred in China

Goldfish are an ornamental fish that were first bred in China over 2,500 years ago. The standard goldfish is the result of selective breeding over many generations to create a variety of colors and patterns.

Goldfish don’t have tongues

Goldfish don't have tongues and they usually taste with their lips and mouth, which is where their taste buds are located. They only have a bump on the mouth that doesn’t move like the normal tongue on most other species.

Goldfish don’t have stomachs

Almost all animals have stomachs, but surprisingly, goldfish have no stomach. Instead, they have a long intestine that digests foods in different stages. This is what makes food move through a goldfish faster than it would in other animals.

Goldfish get their color from the sun

Goldfish get their color entirely from the light and the sun meaning if you take the light or the source from them, they might not be able to produce pigment and they can turn completely white.

Goldfish can survive happily in relatively warm water

Goldfish are cold-blooded fish and need heat to survive. If the water temperature drops below 80 degrees Fahrenheit, it's time to add more heat in your tank. A temperature of 85 degrees is ideal, but it may take a little trial and error to get there.

Goldfish require frequent water changes

Water changes are important for goldfish because they use up about half their body weight every day through respiration—the process by which they breathe oxygen out of the water through their gills. Carefully monitor your goldfish's water quality and make sure you run enough water through the filter so that the waste gets removed from the tank at least twice a week.

Goldfish are one of the oldest domesticated species of fish

Because goldfish were originally bred in China more than 2,000 years ago, they are considered one of the oldest domesticated species of fish. They have been known since ancient times as golden fish, but it was not until the 19th century that Europeans began to appreciate their beauty and value.

Goldfish are low maintenance and disease resistant

Goldfish don't require daily feedings or cleanings and can live for years. Unlike other fish species, goldfish do not get sick from common diseases like gill infections or fungal infections.

Goldfish don’t have eyelids

Unlike most animals, goldfish don’t have eyelids which means they cannot blink and they don’t close their eyes to sleep. This is why it’s advisable to turn the lights off at night to reduce the amount of light so they can sleep.

Goldfish are lovable

Goldfish have a variety of colors and patterns that make them fun to look at no matter the time of day. They also make great pets because they rarely bite unless they feel threatened.

About the Author


Mark Fultz

Mark is a content marketer that loves expressing his love for animals through writing. Hoping that he’ll connect with the right reader and assist in some way that may help them along the way in the exciting world of birds. With a mix of bird raising and training, Mark, and his wife, have become quit the experts, in addition to raising dogs, cats,[...] Author Details

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