The Ultimate Guide to Pet Shelters’ Accessories

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pet shelters' accessories
Photo by jidaley on Pixabay

Unfortunately, shelters are full of animals that need homes. While it’s impossible to adopt every pet, you can lend a helping hand by donating items that shelters need. Many pet organizations are able to keep their doors open and continue housing animals because of private donations, which means that any little gift can make a significant difference.

Here are some accessories your local shelter may need.

Pet Food

Food is a necessity for every animal shelter. You can donate pet food your cat or dog doesn’t like or purchase a new bag. While your local shelter will be more than happy to accept any donation, you can ensure you’re getting exactly what they need by asking the staff for their preferred products.

Many shelters also utilize human food, such as peanut butter or tuna, as they make great treats. Keep in mind that you should check the dates on the food items to ensure they’re not expired.


pet shelters' accessories

Christian Bodhi on Pixabay

Like most pet parents, you probably buy your pet more toys than it needs. This can lead to a pile of playthings your furry feline or precious pup no longer plays with or notices. If so, give these toys to a shelter, as the animals there will love them.

Animals in shelters likely get bored quickly, which means they can benefit from distractions that pass the time and keep their minds stimulated. Toys can help fulfill these needs.

Make sure the toys you donate are clean and made for pets. For example, you shouldn’t give the shelter an old stuffed animal made for a child, as it may contain stuffing that is unsafe for dogs. Also, make sure you don’t give the shelter anything that is worn out or falling apart, as pieces that fall off the toy can be a choking hazard.

Outdoor Entertainment

Much of the time, shelter animals are kept in cages. Although staff tends to them as much as possible, doing so may be difficult, especially if the shelter has a lot of animals and few employees.

To give these homeless animals some freedom and exercise, consider donating a fence or offer to set one up. With a fenced-in area, several dogs can play freely at one time under a staff member’s watchful eye.

Additionally, you can donate or set up a catio to give cats the same type of freedom. These functional structures allow cats to run through tunnels and climb stairs, helping the furry felines stay physically fit and mentally stimulated.

They also allow shelter cats to interact with each other, resulting in valuable socialization skills, which will come in handy if they get adopted into a home that has other cats. If you decide to create a cat-friendly outdoor oasis, make sure you have proper instructions on how to build a catio to ensure it’s set up securely.

Pet Beds

pet shelters' accessories

christels on Pixabay

Everyone deserves a comfortable place to sleep, even animals. Donating pet beds, towels or blankets can help ensure these animals get a good night’s rest. Proper bedding will allow them to stay warm on cooler nights and improve their quality of life while waiting to be adopted.

Grooming Accessories

Upon first coming to a shelter, many animals have dirty, matted fur and skin issues that the staff needs to address promptly. After these issues are remedied, homeless pets still need to be groomed occasionally. Shampoos, brushes, pet grooming clippers, scissors and nail clippers are all required to keep these animals in tip-top condition.

Bathroom Supplies

Shelters take in many cats and kittens, which means they go through a lot of litter. They can always use more litter and litter boxes so the staff has a supply on hand.

Alternatively, dogs and puppies often use puppy pads before they are house trained. In addition to puppy pads, you may want to donate old collars and leashes so the staff can walk the dogs, ultimately training them to relieve themselves outside.

Pet Shelter Accessories Are Essential

Shelters ensure homeless animals are well-taken care of while waiting for their forever homes. While dedicated staff members work hard to create the best environment and memories for homeless pets, supplying these animals with proper accessories is critical to ensuring a positive experience.

About the Author

pet shelters' accessories

Julia Nikolaus

Julia Nikolaus is a content strategist for an LA-based company. She enjoys working with pet brands and writing about pet care. Julia currently shares a dog, chickens, and two pygmy goats with her parents on their joined farmette in Columbia, PA.[...] Author Details

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