
6 Dos & Don'ts When Traveling With Your Pets

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If you love your pets like family, you may consider bringing them with you on your adventures. Many vacations have become more pet friendly in recent years, making it even easier to bring your beloved fur baby with you while you travel.

However, if you plan to travel with your furry friend, there are some important things to consider and essential questions to ask. Questions like, is your pet covered in an auto accident, and considerations like the temperature of where you’re traveling, are all critical factors.


You want your pet to be safe and comfortable while you travel, so taking the proper precautions is crucial when traveling with them.

#1. Do Make Sure Your Car Is Well Equipped for Your Pet

Long car rides with your furry companion by your side can be an enjoyable experience. However, you want to ensure your pet is safe and well equipped for your journey.

If you’re traveling with a dog, make sure you have a seat belt harness to keep them safely in place during your travels. Dogs that are not safely secured can cause problems and distractions while driving, quickly leading to an accident.

Carriers can be great for dogs and cats if you prefer a safer or more secure option. The size of your carrier should be large enough for your pet to have some wiggle room, so they aren’t uncomfortable on your journey. Carriers offer extra protection to your furry friends inside, in the event of an accident, and are an excellent option to keep pets contained on long car rides.

#2. Don’t Let Your Pet Travel in the Front Seat

It may be tempting to allow your pet to sit up front with you, especially if you’re traveling alone. But front seats can be very dangerous for your fur baby.

Airbags could be hazardous to your furry friend if they were to deploy. The impact could cause severe and potentially fatal injuries depending on your pet's size and weight.

Pets riding in the front seat can also cause a lot of distractions. They might be excited by all the sights and smells they are experiencing. Their excitement can lead to distractions while you are driving, which could result in a collision.

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Rather than risking your pet's safety, keeping them out of the front seat during travels is best.

#3. Do Make Sure Your Pet Is Covered by Insurance

If you own a vehicle, you likely already have auto insurance coverage. But if you’re bringing your pet along for your travels, you’ll want to ensure your policy includes them.

If you only have a liability policy, your insurance won’t cover any expenses related to your pet in the event of an accident. However, if you have collision coverage, your insurance will cover expenses like vet bills or burial expenses, coverage for the cost of a new pet and damage to your pet restraints or carriers.

While some of these coverage inclusions are worst-case scenarios, they are essential to consider if you are in an accident. Speaking to your agent before traveling with your pet lets you have peace of mind for the journey ahead.

#4. Don’t Allow Your Dog To Stick Their Head Out the Window

It’s common to see while driving—people riding down the road with their dog’s head entirely out the window. Of course, it looks like a fun and exciting experience for Fido; however, it can actually be extremely harmful.

Traveling at high speeds and letting your dog put their head out the window can cause severe eye damage. Debris hitting their eyes can cause permanent damage and could potentially lead to the need for eye removal.

Allowing your dog to put their head out the window can also cause ear damage. The high winds can cause lifelong damage to your furry friend’s ears.

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Letting your dog stick their head out the window runs more risks than just injuries. Your dog could potentially jump out the window if they are not restrained. In a worst-case scenario, your furry friend could be ejected through the window in the event of a collision.

If you don’t want to sacrifice the fresh air, you can use sun shades over your windows to stop your dog from sticking their head out. This allows them to still smell the fresh air without risking potential injuries.

#5. Do Stock Up on Essentials for Your Pet

If you’re planning a long drive, it’s essential to stock up on things your pet will need for the journey. Although it may seem easy to forget when you’re in the car for many hours, your pets have a lot of needs that still must be met.

Be sure to pack plenty of water and a bowl for your fur baby to get frequent water breaks. Since they can’t tell you vocally when they are thirsty, try offering water each time you stop. They may drink, and they may not, but giving them the option each time ensures they don’t get dehydrated.

It’s also essential to pack some food for your pet to munch on while you’re on the road. While they may not need as many food breaks as they do water breaks, it’s still likely they will get hungry after many hours on the road.

Stocking up on the essentials ensures your furry friend will have an enjoyable ride and all their needs will be met.

#6. Don’t Forget Your Pet’s Identification

Even if you take travel precautions, being in new locations can be scary for your pet. They are in unfamiliar territory, which can cause them to be more skittish.

Having up-to-date ID tags and microchips ensures that if your furry friend is lost, they can be returned to you. While microchips are often the most reliable form of identification, ID tags can still be highly beneficial.

In addition to ID tags, you may also want to consider getting a GPS tracking dog collar. These collars use GPS technology to track your dog's location, so you can always know where they are. This can be especially helpful if your dog is prone to run away or get lost.

Traveling Safely With Pets

It’s not uncommon to bring your pets along on vacations. Many people enjoy bringing their furry friends everywhere they go. However, if you’re planning on traveling with your pet, there are some dos and don’ts you should follow for the journey.

Be sure to equip your car correctly, cover your pet under your insurance and stock up on essentials for the trip. Avoid letting pets ride in the front seat, sticking their heads out the window and don't forget their identification.

Following these steps ensures you and your fur baby will have an incredible traveling experience together.

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About the Author

pet traveling dog car window

Alexandra Arcand

Alexandra Arcand writes and researches for the auto insurance comparison site, AutoInsurance.org. She is a safety expert and passionate pet owner who frequently travels with her fur babies.[...] Author Details

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